Human resource development strategy

Human resource development strategy


Human resource development strategies and plans are an important part of the resort's development strategy. Work includes the following:

- Analysis of the current situation of human resources

- Demand for using human resources in accordance with the resort development strategy;\

- Develop long-term human resource development strategies

- Development plan: number, industries, training levels in the next 5 years; identify new training, fostering and improving on the spot

- Consult the internal parts of the Resort

- Browser.

  1. Analysis of the current situation of human resources

- Statistics of the number of employees in the whole resort and each department.

- Update accurately the number of employees in the whole resort and each department at the time of planning.

- Regular and seasonal workers.


  1. Analysis of existing labor structure

Determine the exact labor rate of each division and the labor rate according to the following criteria:

- Gender

- Age

- Qualification

- Seniority

- Occupation level

- Human Resource Management and Training

- English Skill


  1. Forecast of labor demand

Fully identify factors affecting labor demand:

- Type of service

- The workload of each service

- Technology innovation

- Request to improve service quality

- Labor norms

- Regulations on working time

- Percentage of human resources.


  1. Departments that submit personal plans for next year:

- Determining on a forecasting model

- Planning/strategy

- Compare the existing labor and needs: determine the number of labor shortage (redundancy) of existing workers compared with the needs of each department, each position.

- Making plans to handle the labor shortage (redundancy)

- The plans show fully

- Number of labor shortage/surplus

- Lack of labor recruitment solutions

- Policies for handling excess labor

- Formulating human resource plans/strategies

- Fill information into the sample plan/strategy (drafting a plan/strategy): information about the number of new employees (or rotation, or job vacancy), execution time, method implementation, funding for implementation, forecast of achieved results, ...

- Collecting full opinions of the relevant departments and individuals.