Recruitment and training

Recruitment and training


Organize and recruit employees based on the new HR Development Strategy. The work includes:

- Set a recruitment plan;

- Find a labor market that meets the recruitment requirements, organizes public announcements and is widely available;

- Organize exams, interviews, ... to accept new employees;

- Complete the receiving procedures;

- Follow up during the probationary period;

- Officially recruiting or resigning.


  1. Find sources and attract candidates

- Make a list of sources of candidates inside and outside the Resort.

- Announcement of internal recruitment before advertising to the public.

- If internal staff are not qualified to recruit, need to explain the reason and help them with training so they can be recruited later.

- Selecting and advertising, announcing recruitment needs on the media.

- The content of the notice includes job position, number of employees to be recruited, standards, duration of contract, salary, working conditions, deadline and place of submission, contact address and Some other requirements that the Resort deems necessary.


  1. Prequalification

- Preliminary interview to choose a shortlist (for in-depth interviews).

- Make an appointment for a direct interview.

- Prepare interview room.


  1. In-depth interview
  2. Check and verify interview results
  3. Making recruitment decisions
  4. Receiving new employees
  5. Labor contract (always attached with a job description table)
  6. Evaluate the probationary period
  7. Assessing the work performance periodically
  8. Dismissing employee